Sport-specific Strength Training for your special needs Runner with technical support Work out everywhere and everytime Running outside Strength Training for your special needs to reach your goals


Frequent group training

17.09.2014, 10:00

There is the plan to build a Practical Wing Chun trainings group for frequent sessions in Salzburg... read more

Own research presented

17.09.2014, 10:00

It is a pleasure to invite you to the annual symposium of the DVS. I will present some results of my... read more


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Individual Performance Training - Offer

Performance Training, endurance: Sportspecific optimisation of training, nutrition and regeneration The endurance offer is meant for athletes of the typical endurance disciplines.
On advanced level it is about tapping the full athlete's potential in order to achieve better results in less time.
On very well-trained level it can be about setting new stimuli and breaking deadlocks.

Performance Training, strength: Improving sportspecific strength abilities in order to improve competition performance The strength offer is meant for athletes who can improve their sportspecific performance directly by improving special strength abilites.
After exact analysing the special strength training gets adjusted to your individual needs and special requirements of the sport. So the required abilites will get improved on most effective way.

Attention: 'Strength ability' also includes certain kinds of velocity. For instance within a certain time you need the highest possible force developement for a highest possible increase of velocity.
Velocity depends on certain strength abilites!

"Success has its secret, failure its reasons." - Joachim Kaiser